Circular Metabolism
Circular Metabolism Podcast
📉 How Capitalism Lead to Planetary Scarcity

📉 How Capitalism Lead to Planetary Scarcity

Podcast episode with Fredrik A. Jonsson & Carl Wennerlind

📉 We live in a period of polycrises where carbon emissions and inequalities are abundant whereas future natural and material resources are scarce. Yet, it is not the first time our societies are facing serious environmental and injustice challenges and the notion of Scarcity has always been central to debate between two worldviews which we’ll call here the Cornucopians and the Finitarians. To better understand how our current understanding of the relationship between the Economy and Nature has been forged and how it could possibly be changed we need to dive deeper in the past.

🎓To guide us through the historical understandings of Scarcity I have the pleasure to invite Fredrik Albritton Jonsson who is Associate Professor of British History at the University of Chicago and Carl Wennerlind who is Professor of History at Barnard College. Together they recently published the book Scarcity - A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis

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Circular Metabolism
Circular Metabolism Podcast
👋Bonjour et Bienvenu.e au Circular Metabolism Podcast. Le rendez vous bi-hebdomadaire qui interviewe des chercheurs, des décideurs politiques et des praticiens pour mieux comprendre le métabolisme de nos villes et comment réduire leur impact environnemental d’une manière systémique, juste et contextualisée. Ce podcast est produit par Aristide Athanassiadis membre et co-fondateur de Metabolism of Cities.