Circular Metabolism
Circular Metabolism Podcast
💰 What is the true cost of cheapness?

💰 What is the true cost of cheapness?

How Capitalism made Nature, Care and our Lives Cheap (Raj Patel)

💰 Today we’ll try to unmask the true cost of cheapness in our societies. Over the last decades and even centuries, a small part of the planet has been enjoying more and more cheap stuff. From sugar, to coffee, to energy, everything seems to get produced and consumed at an ever lower price. To keep these prices low, something had to give. Nature, Care, Labour and even Lives are some of the elements Capitalism needed to make cheap in order to perpetuate itself. However, what happens when you run out of things, land and people to make cheap ?

🎓To guide us through the systemic forces of this hyper-exploitation and propose a path out of it, I have immense pleasure to talk with Raj Patel. Raj is an award-winning author, film-maker and academic. He is a Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author of Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. and co-author with Jason W. Moore of the book A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things. 

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Circular Metabolism
Circular Metabolism Podcast
👋Bonjour et Bienvenu.e au Circular Metabolism Podcast. Le rendez vous bi-hebdomadaire qui interviewe des chercheurs, des décideurs politiques et des praticiens pour mieux comprendre le métabolisme de nos villes et comment réduire leur impact environnemental d’une manière systémique, juste et contextualisée. Ce podcast est produit par Aristide Athanassiadis membre et co-fondateur de Metabolism of Cities.