Today we will talk about how it is possible to provide safe and just space for all. In other words can we provide essential services of food, housing, mobility, education and more to everyone, everywhere and still stay within planetary boundaries ? More specifically, how are countries doing today and which countries are the main responsibles for our ecological overshoot ?
To help us navigate through these questions I have the great pleasure to welcome Andrew Fanning. Andrew is an ecological economist that carries out quantitative analyses that track nations’ progress in terms of both meeting basic needs and respecting environmental limits in nearly 150 countries since 1992. He is currently the Analysis & Research Lead at Doughnut Economics Action Lab, and a Visiting Research Fellow in the Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:08:57 Doughnut economics & planetary boundaries
00:13:19 Downscaling the Doughnut
00:23:19 Integrating the Doughnut over time
00:32:32 Scenarios and trajectories
00:42:35 Including fair shares & responsibility
01:09:02 Provisioning Systems
01:14:51 Moving between theory and practice
01:21:23 Recommendations
• Doughnut Economics Action Lab website:
📰 Articles:
• A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries (2018) D. O’Neill, A. Fanning, W. Lamb, J. Steinberger
• The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations (2022) A. Fanning, D. O’Neill, J. Hickel & N. Roux
• National responsibility for ecological breakdown (2022) J. Hickel, D. O’Neill, A. Fanning, H. Zoomkawala
• Compensation for atmospheric appropriation (2023) A. Fanning, J. Hickel
• Provisioning systems for a good life within planetary boundaries (2020) A. Fanning, D. O’Neill, M. Buchs
🧑 People:
• Herman Daly: Economist known for his work on Steady-State Economics.
• William Rees: Researcher in ecology, creator of the “ecological footprint” concept.
• Dan O'Neill: Ecological economist working on sustainable economy within planetary boundaries.
• Kate Raworth: Economist, creator of the Doughnut Economics concept.
• Johan Rockström: Earth system scientist known for proposing the planetary boundaries framework in 2009.
• Julia Steinberger: Ecological economist working on the relationship between well-being and resource/pollution flows.
• Václav Smil: Interdisciplinary researcher in ecology, economics and energy.
• Joel Millward Hopkins: Interdisciplinary researcher in ecology, economics and energy.
• Jason Hickel: Anthropologist focusing on global political economy.
🎞️ Episodes :
• Herman Daly:
• Kate Raworth:
• Timothée Parrique:
• Julia Steinberger:
• Jason Hickel:
🎤 Interview: Aristide Athanassiadis
🎞️ Editing:
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